Alberto D. Prieto

Redactor jefe de Política en EL ESPAÑOL. Antes, jefe de sección en El Mundo y OKDiario. Autor/coautor de tres libros: ‘La ley del más fuerte’ (Oxfam-Intermon, 2003); ‘Leyendas de la guitarra’, (Guitars Exchange, 2015); y 'Miradas desde la sociedad civil para el futuro de Europa' (FIDE, 2020). Licenciado en Periodismo por la UCM y Máster en Marketing Digital por ICEMD-ESIC.

Jamil Anderlini, editor-in-chief of '', interviewed in Madrid by EL ESPAÑOL.

Jamil Anderlini: "From 0 to 10, I see the chances of a World War III at 6 or 7"

"In Brussels there is nervousness with a possible democratic retreat in Spain, with Meloni they are calmer" / "There is deep anguish in Brussels in the face of a Trump's return, but his first term strengthened the EU" / "Sanchez's five days were almost populism, no one in Brussels took him seriously".

Alberto D. Prieto